'Enghish' 'Language' 'Invalid file' 'Start' 'Setting time' 'Sound' 'Time' 'Help' 'Shuffle questions' 'Put the file name and press Enter' 'Filename' 'Questions' 'Minimum questions' 'Enough questions to play' 'Not enough questions to play' 'File unread. Check the browser' 'exists and has reading permission' 'Start' 'Player name' 'First question' 'Next question' 'QUESTION' 'Wildcard 50 %' 'Wildcard call' 'Wildcard public' 'Wildcard running time' 'POINTS' 'Comfirm' 'Uncheck' 'Refuse' 'Point' 'Points' 'Wrong answer' 'Refuses' 'Congratulations' 'All correct answers' 'Correct answers' 'Score' 'A votes' 'Finish the voting' 'Finish Wildcard' 'WILDCARD CALL' 'START CALL' 'END CALL' 'END TIME' 'SUBJECT' 'Votes B' 'Votes C' 'Votes D' 'QUESTIONS' 'Team' 'CORRECT' 'INCORRECT' 'ORAL QUESTIONS VERSION' 'Option' 'No bet game' 'A single player' 'BET' 'CORRECT ANSWERS' 'QUESTIONS SOLUTION' 'Two Players' 'Game with bet' 'BET' 'ANSWER' 'Right' 'Right bet' 'WRONG BET' 'BET MADE' 'POINTS EARNED' 'POINTS LOST' 'VERSION WITHOUT QUESTIONS' 'Random standard answer. Mark Options A or B' 'Players on Line' 'Line' 'Confirm answer' 'See solution' 'GAME OVER' 'SOLUTION' 'Defense' 'Midfield' 'Front' 'Goalkeper' 'Team Name' 'Goals for' 'WIN' 'LOSE' 'DRAW' 'The presenter should ask the question orally' 'Random standard answer. Mark options A, B, C, D, E, F' 'CLUE' 'Sort by players' 'Points for completing the word' 'Maximum failures' 'Number of players' 'PASS' 'Next letter' 'No winner' 'All players have been eliminated' 'Winners' 'Entering data' 'USE CAPITALS' 'Main player´s name' 'Wildcards' 'Minimum Round to refuse' 'Answer questions' 'Ask question' 'Use wildcard' 'Select player' 'See value' 'View score values' 'Continue' 'Scoreboard' 'INCORRECT SOLUTION' 'PLAYER NUMBER X WINS' 'MAIN PLAYER HAS BEEN ELIMINATED' 'MAIN PLAYER' 'WINS ALL ACCUMULATED' 'ROUND ACHIEVED' 'PLAYER ELIMINATED' 'LoseS half the score' 'WinS special award' 'Offer options' 'FINISH' 'Give the solution' 'Number of teams' 'Renaming' 'NEXT' 'WORD' 'SEE PASSWORDS' 'END TURN' 'NEXT TIME' 'NEXT TEAM' 'NEXT WORD' 'GAME OVER NO WINNER' 'CHECKMATE' 'TAKE PAWNS' 'pawn' 'BOXED WINNERS IN ORANGE' 'YES' 'NO' 'FIRST TURN' 'NEXT TURN' 'Initial fruits' 'Random standard answer. Mark options A, B, C, D' 'Apply bet' 'Questions 1 player' 'Maximum' 'Minimum' 'Random questions score' 'Points per question' 'Round of questions ended' 'Error factor' 'Start the stopwatch' 'Time always visible' 'Stop the clock' 'Finish game' 'Next player' 'Correct answers' 'Margin of seconds' 'Names' 'Hits' 'Time difference' 'Margin' 'Test passed' 'Failed test' 'Choice of shifts' 'General' 'Colonel' 'Captain' 'Lieutenant' 'Player' 'New question' 'Battlefield' 'Row' 'Column' 'Shoot' 'New shot' 'Hide board' 'View Dashboard' 'Turn completed' 'TURN' 'TOTAL' 'Winning team' 'Shot' 'View clue' 'The number is higher/lower than' 'The number is a multiple of' 'The unit number is higher/lower than' 'The set of ten is higher/lower than' 'The set of hundred is higher/lower than' 'The thousandth digit of the number is higher/lower than' 'Check' 'HIGHER' 'LOWER' 'EQUAL' 'ONE OF THE NUMBERS IS' 'Test passed' 'Failed test' 'The number is correct' 'ACHIEVED EVIDENCE' 'Input mode players names' 'DIRECT' 'FILE' 'Filename players names' 'Fast scoreboard' 'Mark in all' 'Mark pairs' 'Mark odds' 'Mark' 'Run' 'Classification' 'Winner' 'Find the treasure' 'Envelope' 'Choice of door' 'The treasure is at gate number' 'Choose to or not to open door' 'Treasury not found' 'Random points' 'Orange' 'Blue' 'Red' 'Grey' 'Green' 'Black' 'Violet' 'Light blue' 'Clear' 'Level' 'Levels' 'Start' 'Stop' 'Continue' 'Initial time' 'Final time' 'Progress' 'Reverse' 'forward' 'Colour' 'Not enough players' 'Start selection' 'Select' 'Time on' 'Repeat selection' 'Number of questions' 'Test completed' 'Incorrect answers' 'Final score' 'Time Off' 'Not random order of questions' 'Active sound' 'Inactive sound' 'Line' 'Bingo' 'Remove ball' 'Extracted ball' 'Board' 'Small faces' 'Faults' 'Sunk ship' 'Random theme' 'Presenter theme ' 'Choose option' 'Respond' 'Wildcard not achieved' 'Search results for wildcard' 'Three first letters of the answers' 'Calculate' 'Upper limit' 'Lower limit' 'Random time' 'Letter' 'The Alphabet Game' 'Oral' 'Written' 'Completed' 'STARTS/CONTAINS' 'The question will be asked orally' 'Stop/continue' 'Are lost' 'Random standard answer' 'See solutions' 'Return' 'The answers can only be seen by the presenter' 'Select theme' 'Start battery of questions' 'Raffle' 'Exact time' 'FINISHED' 'Turn completed' 'Topic type questions' 'GOT' 'Maximum themes' 'Asked themes' 'Correct Answer' 'Not completed' 'Reps' 'Clues' 'Extra time' 'Repeated' 'It does not contain' 'Letters' 'Players that should be removed' 'With options' 'Eliminated' 'Change positions' 'Send question' 'Position' 'Presenter' 'Send' 'Starting player' 'Question for' 'WINNERS BOXED IN GREEN' 'Round' 'Mode' 'Successive responses' 'Simultaneous responses' 'Just the presenter should see the answer' 'Do not see answer' 'New round' 'End' 'Write the answers' 'See answers' 'Hide solution' 'All' 'None' 'Maximum rounds' 'Points per panel' 'The correct answer has not been given' 'Lift' 'Not to lift' 'Buy vowels' 'Normal turn' 'Instant turn' 'Loose throw' 'Medium throw' 'Strong throw' 'Solve panel' 'BANKRUPTCY' 'WILDCARD' 'Word filename' 'Questions filename' 'Hidden letters' 'Solve' 'Hide word 1' 'Shuffle clues' 'Move letter from' 'Move letter to' 'Move' 'Points to win' 'Check all' 'Uncheck all' 'Maximum winners' 'Elimination version' 'Fault elimination' 'Start response' 'Complete response' 'All YES' 'All NO' 'Check all' 'End panel' 'Temptation' 'Accept temptation' 'Charge' 'Temptation accepted' 'Final panel exceeded' 'Final panel unsurpassed' 'High' 'Medium' 'Low' 'Game over' 'Extra turn used' 'Extra turn is completed' 'Panel completed' '8 Panels played' 'Panel' 'Extra turn' 'Summary' 'Retry' 'Show question' 'Question' 'Solved' 'Solve' 'Unsolve' 'Next panel' 'Panels' 'Words' 'Box number' 'Name number' 'Reissued' 'Correct position' 'Not correct position' 'Enter combination' 'Discover panel' 'Hide panel' 'Try' 'Next try' 'Successful couple' 'Random standard answer. Number' 'button' 'PRESS' 'REBOUND' 'PRESS WHERE NOTED' 'He stepped forward. Turn to the other team' 'Start with button' 'Start command' 'Next clue' 'Maximum errors' 'Hidden word' 'Phrase' 'Completed phrase' 'Phrase not completed' 'Hidden words' 'View/hide themes' 'Show jury' 'Hide jury' 'Players to vote' 'New voting' 'Apply vote' 'Cancel voting' 'Vote to another player' 'Show themes' 'Juries' 'Jury' 'Expose theme' 'Exhibitions completed' 'Apply score' 'New word' 'Sort by words' 'Filling speed potatoes' 'Maximum random number' 'Enter numbers' 'Change player' 'First player' 'Wildcard pass' 'Throw again' 'Give 50 points to opponent' 'Aspirant eliminated' 'New aspirant' 'Name of aspirant' 'Occupy throne' 'Duel' 'Enter the aspirant´s name and press ENTER' 'Throne' 'Aspirant' 'Champions' 'Rounds' 'Wins who occupies the throne' 'Time for questions' 'Penalty' 'Starting Chips' 'Sheets' 'Round finished' 'Poll finished' 'Vote' 'Bank' 'Casting vote' 'Polling' 'Upload file' 'Statistics' 'Vote of the strongest rivals' 'Result' 'Mark multiples of 3' 'Defender' 'Forward' 'Goals to win attacker' 'The opponent passes the ball' 'Goal' 'No goal' 'Goals' 'Players who scored' 'Number' 'Draw card' 'Golds' 'Cups' 'Spades' 'Bastos' 'Hits to win' 'Finish roll' 'Advance' 'Number of moves' 'Throw' 'Advances' 'Pull dice' 'Pull back' 'Adversary backs up' 'Remove points' 'Move Forward boxes' 'Earn Points' 'Change position' 'Starts' 'Discover box' 'Put yourself in the box' 'You win' 'You lose' 'Go to starting box' 'You give' 'Boxes' 'You advance' 'You go back' '' '10 X 10' '50 X 15' '50 X 50' '6 PALABRAS' 'ACERCATE A LAS CIFRAS' 'ACIERTA LA TIRADA' 'AHORA CAIGO' 'AHORCADO' 'AHORCADO MULTIJUGADOR' 'AJEDREZ Y PUNTOS' 'ALTA TENSION' 'ANTES Y DESPUES' 'APUESTA' 'ARBOLES' 'ARCOIRIS' 'ATRAPA LOS PUNTOS' 'ATRAPA MULTIPLES' 'ATRAPA UN MILLÓN' 'BALONCESTO' 'BANCARROTA' 'BATALLA' 'BATALLA DE DADOS' 'BATALLA NAVAL' 'BATERIA DE SABIOS' 'BINGO' 'BOMBA DE RELOJERIA' 'BOMBA OCULTA' 'BOMBARDEO AL BARCO' 'BOMBILLA' 'BOTE' 'BUSCA EL COLOR' 'BUSCA EL NUMERO' 'BUSCA EL PALO' 'BUSCA LA LETRA' 'BUSCAMINAS' 'CADA SABIO CON SU TEMA' 'CADENA DE FICHAS' 'CADENA DE NUMEROS' 'CAMBIO DE PREGUNTAS' 'CAMINO DE BALDOSAS' 'CAMINO DE LA VIDA' 'CARA O CRUZ' 'CARITAS' 'CARNET POR PUNTOS' 'CARRERA' 'CARRERA DE COCHES' 'CARRERA DE EQUIPOS' 'CARRERA DE RELEVOS' 'CARRERAS DE CABALLOS' 'CASINO' 'CHINOS' 'CIFRAS' 'CIFRAS ELIMINATORIAS' 'CINCO EN RAYA' 'CINCO TESOROS' 'CINTURON NEGRO' 'CIRCUITO DE SEMAFOROS' 'CLASIFICACION' 'COINCIDENCIAS' 'COMBATE' 'COMBINACION' 'COMODÍN' 'CONCURSO DE PAREJAS' 'CONQUISTA' 'CONSERVA LAS FICHAS' 'CONTRA RELOJ' 'CONTRASEÑA' 'CRUZAR EL PUENTE' 'CRUZAR EL RIO' 'CRUZAR LA LINEA' 'CUATRO COLORES' 'CUCANA' 'CURSOS' 'DADOS' 'DE PAR EN PAR' 'DEL TIRON' 'DEPOSITO DE AGUA' 'DESCUBRE TUS CASILLAS' 'DIAMANTE' 'DIANA' 'DISPARA AL RIVAL' 'DOS PALABRAS' 'DUELO DE AJEDREZ' 'DUELO DE APUESTAS' 'DUELO DE CARTAS' 'DUELO DE COCHES' 'DUELO DE DADOS' 'DUELO DE DOMINO' 'DUELOS MULTIPLES' 'EL ARBOL' 'EL DUELO' 'EL GRAN MINUTO' 'EL PARTIDO' 'EL PRIMERO DE LA CLASE' 'EL PULSADOR' 'EL RETO' 'EL RIVAL MAS DEBIL' 'EL RIVAL MAS FUERTE' 'EL SUPERVIVIENTE' 'EL TIEMPO ES ORO' 'ELECCIONES' 'ELIGE TU EQUIPO' 'ELIMINADOR' 'ELIMINATORIA' 'EMPAREJADOS' 'EMPIEZA POR' 'EN POCAS PALABRAS' 'ENCRUCIJADA' 'ENCUENTRA LA SONRISA' 'ENCUENTRA LOS PUNTOS' 'ENCUENTRA LOS TESOROS' 'ENCUENTRA TU NUMERO' 'ENCUENTRO' 'ENTRADA SECRETA' 'ENVIOS' 'EQUIPO A' 'EQUIPO COMPLETO' 'EQUIPO GANADOR' 'LA ESCALERA' 'ESCALERA DE COLOR' 'ESQUIVA LAS BOMBAS' 'EXCALIBUR' 'FAROLAS' 'FICHAS DE AJEDREZ' 'FICHAS DE DOMINO' 'FICHAS DEL MISMO NUMERO' 'FICHAS Y PUNTOS' 'FINAL AVANTI' 'FORMULACION' 'GAVILAN' 'GUERRA DE PREGUNTAS' 'HUNDIR LA FLOTA' 'HUNDIR LOS BARCOS' 'IDENTITY' 'INTERVALOS' 'EL PEQUEÑO GRAN MINUTO' 'JAQUE AL REY' 'JUEGO CON CARTAS' 'JUEGO CON FICHAS' 'JUEGO DE RETOS' 'JUEGO EN EQUIPO' 'JUGADORES OCULTOS' 'JURADO' 'LA CAJA FUERTE' 'LA CALCULADORA' 'LA CIFRA JUSTA' 'LA CLAVE' 'LA CUERDA' 'LA GUERRA DE LAS CIFRAS' 'LA ISLA DEL TESORO' 'LA PARTE POR EL TODO' 'LA PATATA CALIENTE' 'LA PLANTA' 'LA PORRA' 'LA PREGUNTA CALIENTE' 'LA PREGUNTA DECISIVA' 'LA RULETA DE LA FORTUNA' 'LA TABLA PIRATA' 'LA TIRADA MAS ALTA' 'LA ULTIMA LLAMADA' 'LAS PISTAS' 'LETRA A LETRA' 'LIGUILLA' 'LINGO' 'LLEGAR A LA CIFRA' 'LLEGAR A REY' 'LOS SABIOS' 'LOS SOBRES' 'MAGNIFICOS' 'MARCADORES' 'MAYOR O MENOR' 'META' 'MILLONARIO' 'MINIPOLY' 'MINIRISK' 'MINITRIVIAL' 'MISMO PALO' 'MONEDA' 'MONEY TIME' 'NO OS PASEIS' 'NOMBRE OCULTO' 'NOMINADOS' 'NOTAS' 'NUMERO SECRETO' 'OCA' 'OPCIONES MULTIPLES' 'ORDENA DE MEMORIA' 'PALABRA DESORDENADA' 'PALABRA IMPOSIBLE' 'PALABRA OCULTA' 'PALABRAS CRUZADAS' 'PALO DE LAS CARTAS' 'PARAR EL CRONO' 'PAREJAS OCULTAS' 'PARES O NONES' 'PASAPALABRA' 'PASSWORD' 'PESO' 'PIEDRA PAPEL O TIJERA' 'PIRAMIDE' 'PLANTARSE' 'PONER LAS FICHAS' 'PREGUNTA CALIENTE EN CADENA' 'PREGUNTA OCULTA' 'PREGUNTAS ALEATORIAS' 'PREGUNTAS CRUZADAS' 'PREGUNTAS ELIMINATORIAS' 'PREMIOS' 'PRESIDENTE' 'PRIMITIVA' 'PSEUDOTRIVIAL' 'PUENTE' 'PULSAPISTAS' 'PUNTOS DE AJEDREZ' 'PUNTOS Y DADOS' 'PUNTOS Y PREMIOS' 'QUE ES QUE' 'QUINCE PREGUNTAS' 'QUINIELA' 'RADAR' 'REBOTES' 'RECORD' 'RESCATE' 'RESISTENCIA' 'RETO AL CAMPEON' 'RETO AL EJÉRCITO DE AJEDREZ' 'ROBA LOS PUNTOS' 'RONDA DE DADOS' 'RONDAS ELIMINATORIAS' 'RULETA' 'SACA CARTA' 'SALTO DE LONGITUD' 'SALVAR LA VIDA' 'SALVAR LAS FICHAS' 'SALVAR LOS PUNTOS' 'SAQUE BOLA' 'SELCCIONADOR' 'SEMAFORO' 'SI O NO' 'SIETE Y MEDIA' 'SIGUE LOS NUMEROS' 'SIGUIENDO LA PISTA' 'SOBRESALIENTE' 'SOL Y NUBES' 'SONRISAS' 'SORTEO' 'SUBASTA' 'SUBMARINO' 'SUDOKU' 'SUMA DE DADOS' 'SUPER FRASE' 'SUPER TRES EN RAYA' 'SUPER-ELI' 'TABLA CLASIFICATORIA' 'TABÚ' 'TEMAS' 'TENIS' 'TESORO ESCONDIDO' 'TEST' 'TIEMPO' 'TOMA CERO' 'TRES COLORES' 'TRES EN RAYA' 'TRES IGUALES' 'TRES SABIOS' 'TRILEROS' 'TRONO' 'UN, DOS, TRES' 'UNOS' 'VALOR DE LAS FICHAS' 'VENCEDOR' 'VERDADERO O FALSO' 'VIGILANTES' 'VOLEYBOL' 'VOLVER A EMPEZAR' 'VOTACIONES' 'ZONA ROJA' 'ZONA VERDE' 'MARCADOR' 'PREGUNTA CLASIFICATORIA' 'PREGUNTA DE ORDENACIÓN' 'PREGUNTA CALIENTE EN PIRÁMIDE' 'DUELO DE PALABRAS' 'SUBIR O BAJAR' 'PRUEBAS MIXTAS' 'TRES NIVELES' 'LLEVARSE LA JOYA' 'ACTIVACIÓN' 'DESAPARICIÓN' 'AGUJERO NEGRO' 'SALVAR LOS GLOBOS' 'ABRIR CON MAGIA' 'DUELO DE MAGOS' 'CON NUEVE BASTA' 'ESCALAFÓN' 'CRUZAR MÁS RÁPIDO' 'DOS PUENTES' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'The other team' 'The two teams win' 'The two teams lose' 'Both to box number' 'Both to starting box' 'You remove' 'Goal' 'You receive' 'with the other team' 'Change' 'Random standard answer. Mark Options A, B or C' 'Manually checking' 'Check answers' 'Reintroduce data' 'REBOUNDS' 'Starts with' 'True' 'False' 'Random standard answer' 'Ask question' 'New participant' 'Participant' 'Participants' 'Classified' 'Not classified' 'Numbers given' 'Check possible solution' 'Possible correct solution' 'Correctly completed Sudoku' 'Sudoku is not completed successfully' 'CALCULATING SUDOKU' 'SUDOKU CALCULATED' 'PLEASE WAIT' 'PRESS START' 'Fast calculation' 'View/hide possible solution' 'WAIT OR PRESS QUICK CALCULATION' 'Players not eliminated' 'Complete team' 'Not complete team' 'Objective' 'Not out' 'Match ended' 'Goal' 'Visible options' 'Sort by questions' 'Sort by points' 'Random selection of players' 'Red team' 'Blue team' 'Select players' 'The red team wins' 'The blue team wins' 'Players' 'Won' 'Exact' 'Water' 'Repeated firing' 'Wheel speed' 'Brown' 'Yellow' 'Random themes' 'See color' 'Hidden color' 'Number of colors' 'Pink' 'White' 'Turquoise' 'Magenta' 'Correct color' 'Incorrect color' 'See number' 'Hidden number' 'Maximum number' 'Type of clue' 'Major-minor' 'Multiple' 'Interval' 'Not multiple' 'Within the range' 'Out of range' 'See letter' 'Hidden letter' 'Highest possible letter' 'The letter before / after' 'Lower range Letter' 'Top of the range Letter' 'After' 'Before' 'There is a match' 'There is no match' 'Try letters' 'Before-After' 'Accumulated pot' 'Pot' 'Over the last 10 points dropped' 'The pot has 0 points' 'Minimum value Number' 'Next number' 'New panel' 'Change' 'Maximum changes' 'Degree of difficulty' 'Heads' 'Tails' 'Ball found' 'Ball not found' 'Show/hide boxes' 'Number of treasures' 'Starting points' 'Take prize' 'Race start' 'Choose Horse' 'Chosen Horse' 'Horses unoccupied' 'Enter number' 'Full' 'Start game' 'Next shot' 'Throw dices' 'Number of throws' 'Sort throws' 'Discover boxes' 'Hidden number' 'Shots per question' 'Perform shots' 'Shoot at' 'Failed shot' 'Candidacy' 'Vice president' 'Show panel' 'Abstention' 'Second voting' 'Representatives per Question' 'Repeat elections' 'First voting' 'Vote of candidature' 'Voted candidacy. Another one should be proposed' 'AB' 'He has not been elected president' 'Proceed to the second voting' 'Suggest new candidature' 'He has been elected president' 'This candidature has already been voted on and unelected' 'All candidatures have been voted' 'No vice president is proposed' 'CHECKMATE' 'NO BET' 'PAIR' 'ODD NUMBER' '18 PASS' '18 DO NOT PASS' 'Bet' 'Secret number' 'Repeated cipher' 'Maximum goals' 'Sort result' 'Repeat draw' 'Repeat bet' 'Maximum number of draws' 'It does not win' 'Starting points' 'Maximum bet' 'Challenge' 'End duel' 'Tie' 'Choose the box' 'Suggest alliances' 'Finish alliances' 'Allying with' 'Confirm bet' 'Bet dice number' 'Sort tab' 'Sort card' 'Battery of questions completed' 'New battery of questions' 'Remove number' 'Sort number' 'Choice of themes' 'Choice of theme' 'By players' 'Random' 'Order of introduction' 'Sort order of matches' 'First match' 'Second match' 'Eliminatory finished' 'Win by lot' 'Single match' 'Sort' 'Sort by start' 'Cross questions' 'Ask and done' 'Cross' 'Uncross' 'Attack the territory' 'Conquest of territory' 'Unconquered territory' 'Do No attack' 'Open trafficlights' 'Close trafficlights' 'Close' 'Do not close' 'With closure' 'Without closure' 'Green boxes score' 'End' 'Attack' 'Apply' 'Occupy' 'Territory' 'Maximum questions' 'Maximum turns' 'Number of turns' 'Points per turn' 'Bonus per round' 'Open' 'Select trafficlight' 'Change trafficlight' 'Start round of questions' 'Loss of color fault' 'With fading' 'No loss of color' 'Quick play' 'Skip to quick game' 'Switch to normal play' 'Normal play' 'Questions themes' 'Random Treasures' 'See price' 'Buy' 'Build' 'Pay' 'Sell' 'Property' 'Hotel' 'Sell hotel' 'Bid' 'Remove auction' 'Adjudicate auction' 'See card' 'Apply card' 'Bid up' 'Not to end' 'Immediate end' 'Card' 'Start box' 'Price' 'Auction' 'Pay to the bank' 'Get of the bank' 'Get' 'Pay' 'per property' 'per hotel' 'Take another card' 'Pays 1 to each player' 'and gets 4' 'and pays 4' 'Skip turn' 'Service' 'Ball out' 'Throw' 'Points to win' 'Ball out' 'White team' 'Orange team' 'End round' 'Player who sends the question' 'See solution and order' 'Question for the player' 'Player who the question is sent to' 'Reformulating question' 'Questions finished' 'Eliminator player' 'Those not eliminated with more points win' 'Random standard answer. Mark options A, B or C' 'Visible names' 'Mark bet all' 'Bet Uncheck All' 'Bet all' 'See options before betting' 'Start voting' 'Finish voting' 'First Round' 'Next Round' 'Playoff draw' 'Player nominated' 'Second question' 'Third question' 'Review questions' 'Mark confirm all' 'Questions phase ended' 'Start bids' 'Finish bids' 'Next envelope' 'Cancel bid' 'Closed auction' 'Game ended without points' 'Value of the bid' 'Envelope number' 'Movement of the players' 'Normal' 'Fast' 'Very fast' 'Round of questions' 'Round of recovery' 'Apply throw' 'Number of ships' 'Battlefield' 'Total Boats' 'Wrecks' 'Question Points' 'Hollow points' 'Total Points' 'Wrecks' 'Round questions' 'Remove player' 'View/hide chess pieces' 'Select rival team player' 'Card Sweepstakes' 'Back to the panel' 'Rival selection' 'The player loses a wildcard' 'The selected player has been eliminated' 'The red player wins' 'The blue team loses' 'has been eliminated' 'Lottery phase' 'Extractions made' 'Maximum extractions' 'Sergeant' 'Quarterfinals' 'Semifinal' 'Final' 'Classified draw' 'Round' 'Match' 'First round' 'Second round' 'Third round' 'Fourth round' 'Fifth round' 'Playoffs is completed' 'Eighth final' 'Winner' 'Grey team' 'Green team' 'The top ranked win' 'Relay' 'Remove players' 'Statistics' 'Hidden players' 'Rounds completed' 'Rescue responses' 'They have been rescued' 'Initial team players' 'Winning player' 'Losing player' 'Initial choice of players' 'End checking' 'Maximum repetitions' 'Minimum grade' 'Test' 'Qualifications' 'Name' 'Course' 'Qualification' 'First' 'Second' 'Third' 'Fourth' 'Course rating' 'Passed' 'Not passed' 'Course not passed' 'Start of the legislature' 'New legislature' 'New year' 'Limit of years of presidency' 'President' 'Years of presidency' 'Annual expenses' 'Annual revenue' 'Balance of the Year' 'Interest rate' 'General financial statement' 'Very unfavorable balance. Deposed President' 'The president is not for re-election' 'President is not reelected in the elections. Votes obtained' 'President is reelected in the elections. Votes obtained' 'Legislature completed. Is he for re-election?' 'Legislature completed. Term limits reached.' 'Dice roll phase' 'Successful Roll' 'Not successful roll' 'Wildcards per question' 'Start string tokens' 'Initial part' 'Phase of tokens' 'Followed string' 'Not followed string' 'Choose' 'Take' 'Sum' 'Player wins' 'Player loses' 'Stone' 'Paper' 'Scissors' 'Evens' 'Odds' 'Successful Data' 'Not successful data' 'Sample record' 'Start chain cards' 'Phase of cards' 'Bat card' 'Succesful bat' 'Not succesful bat' 'Bat ordered' 'Extra points' 'Level of cards display' 'End turn' 'Chosen cards' 'Result phase of questions' 'Cards' 'Cards points' 'Start phase cards' 'See cards' 'Visible cards' 'Throw coin' 'Maximum score' 'Smile' 'Cipher' 'Margin per correct answer' 'Estimated weight' 'See real weight' 'Difference' '% Deposit' 'Eliminated' 'Search boat on the radar' 'Boat Found' 'Boat not found' 'Zone' 'Taboo suit' 'Name of champion' 'The aspiring player has drawn three times' 'The aspiring player does not wish to challenge the champion again' 'The champion wins. A new aspirant can be chosen' 'The aspirant player who becomes the new champion wins' 'The applicant has tied the game' 'Champion' 'Duels' 'Drawn' 'Leadership' 'Retries' 'Incorrect' 'No retry' 'Distance' 'Crossed river' 'Extracted sword" 'Not extracted sword' 'Sword' 'New approach' 'It opens' 'It does not open' 'Entry' 'Memorize panel' 'Finish memorizing' 'Time to memorization' 'Fault. Retry' 'Numbers to order' 'Wildcards unavailable. Finish Time' 'Start the numbers panel' 'Changes per question' 'Shuffle suit' 'Draw cards' 'Coincidences' 'Reference suits' 'Changes' 'Number of mines per question' 'Choose boxes' 'Mines' 'Number of mines' 'Time to search' 'Locate Submarine' 'Submarine' 'Extra Numbers per right guess' 'Choose combination' 'Crossed bridge' 'Questions asked' 'Insufficient' 'Enough' 'Good' 'Notable' 'Excellent' 'Literal mark' 'Numerical mark' 'Qualifications' 'Suken' 'Saved' 'Bomb not found' 'Bomb found' 'Option of sticking' 'Minimum points to stand' 'Faults to be removed' 'king rank' 'Canned fruits' 'Fruits' 'Summit reached' 'Summit not reached' 'Summit' 'Maximum growth' 'Value of questions visible' 'Wildcard question' 'Question points' 'Green zone reached' 'Green zone' 'Place bet' 'Finish bet' 'Raffle the pools' 'Bets' 'Height' 'Falling water' 'View/hide solution' 'Objective achieved' 'New player' 'Player number' 'Question number' 'Points to get' 'Cipher to overcome' 'Faults committed' 'Faults allowed' 'Objective not reached' 'Loss of points by elimination' 'Record' 'Throws of the defense' 'The main player throws' 'The red player throws' 'The green player throws' 'The magenta player throws' 'The main player reaches the goal' 'The red player has removed the principal one and will take his place' 'The green player has removed the principal one and will take his place' 'The magenta player has removed the principal one and will take his place' 'Answer options' 'Change bet' 'Classifying question' 'Order' 'Phase without push button' 'Phase with push button' 'Show words' 'Hide words' 'Fire' 'Phase' 'Completed' 'Test' 'Start Position' 'Globes' 'Power' 'Corporal' 'Soldier' 'Conscript' 'Admiral' 'Rank' 'Destroy'